Monday, February 7, 2011

Today's Reading

Go over to Conversion Diary today for a fascinating discussion about the religious climate in different parts of the world. Jen asks seven questions:
  1. Where do you live? (Or, if you’re not currently living there, what part of the world is it that you’re familiar with?)
  2. What is church attendance like in your area? Are there many churches? Do they seem to have active memberships?
  3. At a typical social event, how appropriate would it be if a person were to explicitly acknowledge in casual conversation that he or she is a believing Christian? For example, if someone at a party made a passing comment like, “We’ve been praying about that” or “I was reading the Bible the other day, and…”, would that seem normal or odd?
  4. What belief system do the politicians in your area claim to practice? For example, here in Texas almost all politicians at least claim to have some kind of belief in God, regardless of what they may think in private — to openly admit to being an atheist would be political suicide in most parts of the state. Is this the case in your area?
  5. How many families do you know who have more than two children? If a family with four children moved to your area, would their family size seem unusual? What about a family with six children?
  6. What seems to be the dominant belief system of the people in your area?
  7. Do you notice any trends? Do people seem to be becoming more or less religious?
So far she has responses from all over the world. Read comments from people in Denmark, UK, New Zealand, United Arab Emirates, Croatia, Japan, East Africa, Japan, Spain, Australia, Russia, and so on. It should be quite an interesting sampling by the end of the day!

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